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Civil Rights Advisory Committee - Florida

The Committee assists the State Conservationist in facilitating fair and equitable treatment of USDA customers and employees in Florida by identifying emerging issues, recommending solutions, and providing NRCS employees with support to ensure the delivery of Civil Rights programs and activities.

Civil Rights Advisory Committee Authorization

The Civil Rights Advisory Committee (CRAC) in Florida implements the requirements of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and prohibited discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Executive Order 11478 stated that Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is an integral part of every aspect of the federal government's personnel policy. The Civil Rights Advisory Committee also has responsibilities under Title VI - Program Delivery.

Thirteen Special Emphasis Program Managers participate in the committee conducting field office reviews, area meetings, training and discussion groups. 

Florida Civil Rights Advisory Committee Poster


Han Nguyen

Interim Committee Chair

What the Committee Does:

  • Serves as an advisory body to the NRCS Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Officer (DEOO). The STC is the DEOO for NRCS in Florida.
  • Makes recommendations to the DEOO regarding policies, practices, and procedures as they affect equal opportunity and civil rights.
  • Identifies emerging Equal Opportunity Program areas needing the DEOO's attention.
  • Assists the DEOO in the development of an Affirmative Employment Program and Outreach Plan for Florida.
  • Provides assistance to the DEOO in assessing the progress being made on action items in the Affirmative Employment Program.
  • Serves as a sounding board to concerns and problems presented by NRCS employees.
  • Makes recommendations to the DEOO regarding ways to address employee concerns and problems.
  • Provides information to NRCS personnel about the Equal Opportunity Program, Affirmative Employment Program action items and work being done by the Committee.
  • Directs employees needing Equal Opportunity information or assistance to the proper official.

What the Committee Does Not Do:

  • It does not assume the role of the DEOO.
  • It does not establish Equal Opportunity policies, programs, or procedures.
  • It does not involve itself in specific cases of the EEO Complaint Process or the Grievance System.
  • It does not serve as a rubber stamp for existing personnel procedures and systems.