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Texas NRCS Watershed Program Scheduling 2023 Quarterly Updates

Publish Date
Upper Washita Watershed - Finsterwald Dam Site 21

The USDA-NRCS Texas Watershed has scheduled quarterly conference calls throughout 2023.

The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Texas Watershed Program has scheduled quarterly conference calls throughout 2023 to keep watershed sponsors and others interested in Texas’s watershed program up to date on current and upcoming program activity. 

The NRCS Landscape and Planning staff in Temple, Texas, will provide information on program opportunities and requirements related to Watershed Operations, Watershed Rehabilitation and Emergency Watershed Protection programs.

These quarterly meetings will be presented via Microsoft Teams meetings at 2 p.m. Central Time on the following dates:  

Feb. 23, 2023
May 25, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Nov. 16, 2023 

To receive an email notification about these meetings, send an email request to Watershed Program Staff at The invitation will include an audio line for calling into the meeting for participants unable to connect through MS Teams. 


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