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Outreach event in Tulsa Oklahoma

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers

Oklahoma Partnerships and the Beginning Farmer and Rancher program provides outreach, leadership and assistance to ensure that all programs and services are made accessible to all NRCS customers, fairly and equitably, with emphasis on reaching historically underserved farmers and ranchers.

Key Contacts in USDA and our Partner Organizations

Oklahoma Outreach Beginning Farmer/Rancher Partners
Name Position Phone Number Email
Madeline Alewine
FSA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Contact
Abby Rakestraw
RMA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Contact
Troy Marshall
NASS Beginning Farmer and Rancher Contact
Amy Cowley
RD Beginning Farmer and Rancher Contact
Sarah Blaney
Executive Director of Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts
Meriruth Cohenour
ODAF Director of Market Development
Meredith Scott
ONIE Program Manager
Courtney Bir
OSU Professor of Ag Economics

Cleaon Bradford

Outreach/ Beginning Farmer and Rancher Contact

Gilbert Guerrero

Assistant State Conservationist for Partnerships