Colorado Source Water Protection (SWP) Program - STAC Subcommittee
Source Water Protection (SWP) is a locally driven state and nation-wide effort to help public water systems (PWS) protect the quality of their drinking water supply.

SWP is a locally driven state and nation-wide effort to help public water systems protect the quality of their drinking water supply. SWP is a non-regulatory, voluntary approach to prevent the pollution of lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater that serve as community drinking water sources.
SWP related funding for public water systems comes via the USDA Farm Bill and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The 2018 Farm Bill provided a new opportunity for farmers and landowners to receive 75 percent financial assistance rates for key
water quality practices located in source water protection priority areas.
NRCS Colorado is providing 10 percent of Farm Bill program funding for this initiative and is now accepting SWP applications. On a statewide basis, funding will be split 55 percent for groundwater source protection/45 percent surface water source protection.