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Cropland includes areas used for the production of adapted crops for harvest. Two subcategories of cropland are recognized: cultivated and non-cultivated. Cultivated cropland comprises land in row crops or close-grown crops and also other cultivated cropland, for example, hay land or pastureland that is in a rotation with row or close-grown crops. Non-cultivated cropland includes permanent hay land and pastureland.

It is NRCS' role to provide technical assistance for the conservation of our natural resources to ensure the continued production of food and fiber.

Major natural resource concerns facing cropland in Massachusetts include: (1) erosion by water, (2) maintaining and enhancing soil quality, (3) and water quality from nutrient and pesticides runoff and leaching.

Some of the Agronomic Conservation Practices related to Cropland Include:

  •  Conservation Crop Rotation(328)
  •  Cover Crop (340)
  •  Integrated Pest Management (595)
  •  Nutrient Management (590)
  •  Residue Management – No till/Strip Till/Direct Seed (329)
  •  Residue Management – Mulch Till (345)