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Idaho Monthly Snowpack Data Tables - Snow Courses & SNOTEL

A snow course is a permanent measurement site that represents snowpack conditions at a given elevation in a given area. Snow courses are measured by hand on a monthly basis using snow tubes.  Snow courses were the primary means of collecting snowpack data prior to the 1970s when SNOTEL sites began being installed. As a result, snow course data records often start earlier than SNOTEL records. While many snow courses continue to be measured each winter, many others have been discontinued and replaced by SNOTEL measurements.  

Report Generator Snow Course Data Tables

Active Idaho Snow Courses - Period of Record Monthly Data:


Discontinued Idaho Snow Courses - Period of Record Monthly Data:


Report Generator Monthly SNOTEL Data Tables

Active Idaho SNOTEL sites - Period of Record 1st of Month Snow Water and Snow Depth* Data:

*Snow depth data is left blank when no data are available. Snow depth sensors are not used at every SNOTEL or may have been installed mid-way through period.

Text Format Idaho and Wyoming Monthly SNOTEL Data Tables

The above link provides access to back-estimated snow pillow data for Idaho and Wyoming SNOTEL sites that replaced a snow course. These data are not available from the Report Generator reports. The back-estimated data are a more reliable way to compare recent years to the pre-SNOTEL era. Data were estimated by regression between measured snow course snow water equivalent (swe) and SNOTEL snow pillow swe for the five to ten year period of overlapping actual measurements after the SNOTEL site was installed. Due to database changes these reports stopped being updated in 2011. Use the Report Generator Monthly SNOTEL Data Tables menu (above) for recent year data.

Report Generator Monthly SNOTEL Precipitation Tables

Idaho SNOTEL sites - Period of Record Monthly Precipitation: