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Conservation Implementation Strategy (CIS)

Conservation Implementation Strategy (CIS)banner with four conservation photos





USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) in South Dakota is implementing a phased-in approach in how conservation programs are delivered. The new approach, Conservation Implementation Strategy (CIS), will target high priority natural resource concerns in a focused and targeted manner. By planning our approach, we are able to prioritize and focus conservation investments in South Dakota.

NRCS has technical staff in the field and partners that are willing to help coordinate this strategic effort through targeted projects throughout the state. Collectively focusing our expertise and resources on the highest priority resource concerns in the highest priority areas will yield the most impressive returns. Funding and support from other agencies and groups can be leveraged and coordinated to focus on mutual issues of the highest priority.

Starting in 2020, NRCS will make an annual call for project proposals. Project proposals can be submitted by any partner or NRCS staff willing to develop the project proposal. The South Dakota NRCS is requesting project proposals be submitted by April 10, 2020 for funding consideration. Funding selections will be completed on May 12, 2020. Applicants will be notified in May. Funding will not be provided until Fiscal Year 2021 funding cycle for programs.

Proposals Due by April 10, 2020

South Dakota CIS Template (DOCX; 4,621 KB)
South Dakota CIS Vision (PDF; 621 KB)

All proposals should be submitted to:
Jeffery Vander Wilt, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs,
Jennifer Wurtz, EQIP Program Manager,

NRCS is committed to continual improvement of the approach by an ongoing discussion of challenges and successes through a steering committee made up of the Leadership Team, field and state staff.