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North Caroline Longleaf Pine Success Story

North Carolina Longleaf Pine Success Story

Forester conducting prescribed burn on Walthour Moss Foundation Lands

Captions photo: The Walthour Moss Foundation uses prescribed burn practices to stimulate germination of forest plant species and to help reduce fuel buildup.

Longleaf Pine Reaching Reach New Heights

The Walthour-Moss Foundation encompasses more than 4,000 acres of practically unblemished Longleaf Pine habitat in the southern pines of North Carolina. The foundation has received technical and financial assistance from NRCS in its efforts to enhance and restore Longleaf Pine habitat and ecosystem. Conservation practices implemented include prescribed burning, fire line installation and mid-story control. Because of the foundation’s aggressive management of the lands under its care, adjacent landowners have adopted similar management styles and are seeking NRCS assistance to help buttress Longleaf Pine habitat. As a direct result of the work of the foundation and NRCS, an additional benefit has become keenly evident. A recent study by Sand Hill Ecological Institute and through the Safe Harbor Program indicates that the almost extinct Red-cockaded Woodpecker is making a strong comeback on the foundation’s protected and conserved lands. Longleaf Pine is North Carolina’s state tree and a prominent part of North Carolina’s history. NRCS, with the help of partners and landowners, has taken great steps toward protecting, enhancing and sustaining Longleaf habitat, developing Longleaf Pine conservation plans on 10,795 acres.

Program Contact

Greg Walker, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs, 919-873-2104