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Fisheries Habitat Enhancement Factsheet

What is the Focus?

The enhancement of in-stream and streamside fisheries habitat for both resident and diadromous fishery populations. Projects are specific to a particular stream type and target species, and may include modifications in the dimension, pattern or profile of the stream channel, the provision of fish passage, and/or the installation of physical habitat features for both adults and juvenile fish.

What Does NRCS Offer?

Planning, resource inventories, stream classification, survey and design, construction inspection.

What is an Example of Fisheries Habitat Enhancement?

NORWALK, CT - As part of the Norwalk River Watershed Initiative, several in-stream habitat enhancement projects have been installed to benefit resident coldwater fisheries. Projects have included the installation of single-wing and saw-tooth rock deflectors to change the direction of flow away from the banks and toward the center of the channel. In addition, projects included bank-placed boulders, bank-placed large woody debris, in-stream large woody debris, artificial overhanging banks, conifer tree revetments, and streambank soil bioengineering to provide refuge for both adult and juvenile coldwater fish. In combination with the physical enhancement work, NRCS in Connecticut and the Department of Environmental Protection have monitored the fishery populations.

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