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Guides and Instructions

Is CSP Right for Me?

The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) offers technical and financial assistance to help agricultural and forest producers take their conservation efforts to the next level. This guide can help you determine if CSP is right for your operation.

Tech Tools

IWRPM - Version 1.1

Irrigation Water Requirements - Penman Monteith (IWRPM) is a crop consumptive use program using the Penman-Monteith equation for evapotranspiration developed specifically for NRCS use in development of Consumptive Use Tables for the NRCS Irrigation Guide.

Guides and Instructions

KSSL Guidance

Documents that guide the Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory including field guides, methods and manuals, soil sample submission, and requests for assistance.

Data and Reports

Land Use Trends

Data by land type (e.g., cropland, pasture, forest) for 1982-2017, at 5-year intervals, by state, based on the National Resources Inventory (NRI). Data can be filtered, graphed, mapped, and downloaded by state, year, and land type (e.g., cropland), and irrigation.

Education and Teaching Materials

Lesson Plans

Soil-related lesson plans.
