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Data and Reports

Data and Reports

All Colorado Basin Charts hosted by the NWCC

All Colorado Basin Charts hosted by the National Water and Climate Center. Includes snow water equivalent, precipitation, temperature, soil moisture,  soil temperature, SWE vs Elevation, stacked SWE accumulation, and reservoir charts.

Data and Reports

All Colorado Station Charts Hosted by the NWCC

All Colorado Station Charts hosted by the National Water and Climate Center. Includes snow water equivalent, precipitation, temperature, soil moisture, and  soil temperature.

Data and Reports

California Snow Survey

The NRCS Snow Survey Program provides mountain snowpack data and streamflow forecasts for the western United States. Common applications of snow survey products include water supply management, flood control, climate modeling, recreation, and conservation planning.

Data and Reports

Caribbean Accomplishments Reports

Our Caribbean Area accomplishments reports provide annual summaries of programs impacts in PR & USVI. Nuestros informes de logros del Área del Caribe brindan resúmenes anuales de los impactos de los programas en Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes Americanas.

Data and Reports

Caribbean Soils Maps & Posters

Technical Notes, Posters, Reports and other scientific publications about the soils of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Data and Reports

Climatic and Hydrologic Normals

This page reviews the NRCS normals, describes how normals are calculated, and provides access to current and historic normals.

Data and Reports

Colorado Water Supply Outlook Reports

The Colorado Water Supply Outlook Report is a publication that the Colorado Snow Survey publishes monthly from January through June. The report contains information on the current water supply conditions across the state of Colorado and includes summaries of the end-of-month conditions.

Data and Reports

Conservation and Culture

Conservation and Culture: The Soil Conservation Service, Social Science, and Conservation on Tribal Lands in the Southwest features USDA's efforts to address soil erosion on Navajo and Hopi reservations in the 1930s.

Data and Reports

Cropland Resources & Publications

NRCS utilizes has several technical resources and publications to assist growers plan and apply conservation on their land to address their unique natural resources concerns.

Data and Reports

Description of STATSGO2 Database

The Digital General Soil Map of the United States or STATSGO2 is a broad-based inventory of soils and non-soil areas that occur in a repeatable pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped of 1:250,000 for most of U.S and territories and 1:1M for Alaska.