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An official website of the United States government


Tech Tools

CropFlex - Version 1

CropFlex is a management system for irrigated crops. The goal of CropFlex is to provide irrigation and fertility management advice to assist farmers in maintaining or increasing yields while minimizing the potential of leaching nitrates.

Data and Reports

Cropland Resources & Publications

NRCS utilizes has several technical resources and publications to assist growers plan and apply conservation on their land to address their unique natural resources concerns.

Guides and Instructions

CSP enhancement guides - Indiana

Whether your farm thousands of acres or just a few, raise livestock or own private forestland, CSP has enhancements that can help you take your conservation practices to the next level. The documents below can help you identify possible conservation enhancement activities for your operation.

Guides and Instructions

Cultural Resources

NRCS cultural resources policy involves protection and enhancement of cultural resources and historic properties in their original location to the fullest practical extent.

Education and Teaching Materials

Defining LRR, MLRA, and LRU

Definitions for Land Resource Region (LRR), Major Land Resource Area (MLRA), and Land Resource Unit (LRU).

Guides and Instructions

Delaware 2020-2025 Strategic Plan

The Delaware NRCS strategic plan is representative of the priorities of Delaware farmers, employees and partners. Our vision is to deliver proven and cutting-edge conservation solutions to improve Delaware’s natural resources. To achieve this, we have outlined a comprehensive strategy. 

Education and Teaching Materials

Delaware NRCS Publications & Fact Sheets

Read the latest Delaware NRCS publications and fact sheets to learn how NRCS and farmers and landowners can work together to improve agricultural operations while helping the environment. (Note: All publications can be viewed using Adobe PDF unless otherwise stated.)

Data and Reports

Description of STATSGO2 Database

The Digital General Soil Map of the United States or STATSGO2 is a broad-based inventory of soils and non-soil areas that occur in a repeatable pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped of 1:250,000 for most of U.S and territories and 1:1M for Alaska.

Data and Reports

Digital Soil Mapping (DSM)

The use of geospatial techniques for mapping soils is broadly covered by the term “digital soil mapping” (DSM).
