Pollinator and CRP Field Day to be Held near Fairfield

This field day aims to assist farmers and landowners with establishing and maintaining Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
The event is free and open to farmers and landowners, though we require reservations to ensure adequate space and food. For reasonable accommodations and to RSVP please contact Liz Ripley at 515-294-5429 or ilf@iastate.edu.
Iowa Learning Farms, Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Pathfinders RC&D, and USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), will host a pollinator and CRP field day Thursday, June 27 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Pete Tollenaere’s farm near Fairfield. The free event is open to farmers and landowners and includes a complimentary meal.
This field day aims to assist farmers and landowners with establishing and maintaining Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) perennial vegetation, including trees and shrubs. These areas offer many benefits including pollinator habitat, reducing soil erosion from sensitive areas, build soil health, improve wildlife, and provide beauty to the landscape.
Jefferson County farmer and host, Pete Tollenaere, will share how he has incorporated and managed perennial vegetation on his farm. Kevin Andersen, Iowa DNR State Private Lands Biologist, will also discuss tips for successful establishment and management to ensure diversity and plentiful pollinator habitat. Cassidy Widner, Iowa DNR Forester will highlight different flowering trees and shrubs that can help attract pollinators and Doug Ensminger, Jefferson County NRCS District Conservationist, will high different Farm Bill programs available to assist with establishing pollinator perennial vegetation.
The field day be held at Pete Tollenaere’s farm located just west of 2497 Kelp Ave, Fairfield, IA 52556 and will be held rain or shine. The farm is located on the north side of the road marked with tree farm sign and field day signs will mark the driveway to enter. Insect repellent will be provided and attendees are encouraged to wear long pants and closed toe shoes.
The event is free and open to farmers and landowners, though we require reservations to ensure adequate space and food. For reasonable accommodations and to RSVP please contact Liz Ripley at 515-294-5429 or ilf@iastate.edu. Attendees will be entered in a drawing for ISU Prairie Strips honey.
This field day is supported by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Iowa Learning Farms field days and workshops are supported by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. For more information about Iowa Learning Farms, visit www.iowalearningfarms.org.