Oʻahu Farmers, Producers Invited to Local Working Group Meeting
Oʻahu Farmers, Producers Invited to Local Working Group Meeting
RSVP by Aug. 26.
The Oʻahu Soil and Water Conservation District invites the public to participate in the Oʻahu Farmer Local Working Group meeting Aug. 28, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Tommy Kakesako Hall, 2685 N. Nimitz Highway, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.
The Local Working Group is a locally led initiative supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in the Pacific Islands Area and serves an essential role in local communities. The Oʻahu SWCD and the NRCS Oʻahu Service Center will gather input to set fiscal year 2025 priorities for conservation plans and projects addressing agriculture and natural resource issues on Oʻahu. Insights from farmers, ranchers, and partners are crucial to our efforts.
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP by Aug. 26 so that staff can be prepared with adequate materials and seating. For any questions or further information, please contact soswcd@gmail.com.
Participation is open to all interested persons, including agricultural producers, owners and operators of nonindustrial private forest land, professionals representing agricultural and natural resource interests, and individuals representing disciplines in soil, water, wetland, plant, forestry and wildlife sciences.
Attendees with disabilities requiring special accommodations or alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact Karl Mikasa, NRCS Pacific Islands Area 508 compliance officer, at 808-447-3121 or karl.mikasa@usda.gov for assistance.