NRCS works to ensure compliance with Agency policies for conservation and equal opportunity programs, and accountability for the delivery of quality and timely service to our customers. USDA is an equal opportunity employer, provider and lender.
NRCS in Michigan supports the policy of USDA to provide equal opportunity for all persons without discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
We are fully dedicated to ensuring that all persons associated with NRCS comply with every aspect of our nation’s Civil Rights laws and policies. All employees are expected to model equal opportunity, civil rights, and cultural transformation, and managers and supervisors must demonstrate an elevated regard by supporting civil rights, equal employment opportunity, diversity, and cultural transformation.
NRCS-Michigan Civil Rights Advisory Committee
Michigan Civil Rights Advisory Committee members and the Special Emphasis Program Managers (SEPMs) help ensure that Federal agencies institute, plan, and take affirmative steps to provide equal opportunity to women and minority applicants and employees in all areas of employment (recruitment, hiring, training, promotions, and awards); and provide a means for women and minorities to communicate their concerns to management.
Committee Members:
Madeleine Cantu, Chair, Outreach Coordinator - East Lansing
Diane Gray, Advisory Member, ASTC Management & Strategy - East Lansing
Angela Dietrich – Area 4 At-Large, Natural Resources Specialist - Bay City
Ruben Morales, Hispanic SEPM, Soil Conservationist - Standish
Amy Bastone, Federal Women's Program, Civil Engineer - Marquette
Dakota Mackel, Asian-Pacific Islander SEPM, Soil Conservationist - Jonesville
vacant, Disability SEPM, Soil Conservationist - Mason
Kei Moore, Veterans SEPM, Program Assistant - Gaylord
Alexandra Feutz, American Indian & Alaska Native SEPM, Civil Engineer - Grand Rapids
Joanna VanDenBoom, Member-at-Large Area 2, Area Administrative Coord. - Gaylord
Brett Swanson, Member-at-Large Area 1, Soil Conservationist, Marquette
Katy Robinson, Member-at-Large Area 3, Soil Conservationist - Big Rapids
Ben Thelen, LGBT SEPM, District Conservationist,- Saginaw
Ashli Holloway, Black SEPM, Soil Conservationist - Ann Arbor
Michigan Anishinaabek Communities
Information and resources for American Indian Tribes and NRCS employees.
Michigan Anishinaabek Communities
Learn More2023 Diversity Day
NRCS-Michigan employees learned about the obstacles faced by people with disabilities and two organizations helping people to overcome them.
2023 NRCS-Michigan Diversity Day
NRCS-Michigan's 2023 Diversity Day events focused on people with disabilities. NRCS employees learned about the obstacles facing people with disabilities and two organizations providing services to help them overcome them.
Learn More