Federal Women's Program
The Federal Women’s Program (FWP) focus on issues such as employment, retention, promotion, training, career development, and advancement opportunities affecting female employees and applicants in NRCS.
Authorities A. The Federal Women's Program (FWP).—This program was established to implement a recommendation of the President's Committee on the Status of Women and was later integrated into the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program after the issuance of Executive Order 11478 (August 1969). The activities of the FWP focus on employment needs and problems of women as they relate to Federal personnel policies and practices.
B. Executive Order 11375 (October 1967) added sex to other prohibited forms of discrimination in the Federal Government.
C. Executive Order 11478 (August 1969) integrated the FWP into the overall EEO Program and placed the FWP under the directors of EEO. Federal Personnel Manual 713 was issued to carry out Executive Order 11478, and Federal Personnel Manual 713.9, dated May 29, 1970, directed directors of EEO to have a manager for the Federal Women’s Program on staff.
D. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended in March 1972 to apply equal opportunity protection in employment to the Federal Government. The designation of a Federal Women’s Program manager was codified in 29 CFR Section 1614.102 as appropriate for carrying out equal employment opportunity functions in all organizational units of an agency and at all agency installations.
E. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended and Civil Rights Act of 1991, Equal Employment Opportunity.
F. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 requires “fair and equitable” treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or disabling condition.
G. 29 CFR Part 1614, Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity.
H. Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in Federal Government (August 12, 1969) (superseded Executive Orders 11246 and parts of 11375 applicable to the Federal Government) as amended by Executive Orders 13087 (May 28, 1998) and 13152, of May 2, 2000.
I. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Management Directive 110.
J. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Management Directive 715.
K. USDA Departmental Regulation 4230-002, Special Emphasis Programs (June 4, 2009).
It is NRCS policy to conduct a positive and continuing FWP that provides equal employment opportunity for women in all personnel management policies and practices and in NRCS sponsored programs and activities.
Policy Objectives
The Federal Women’s Program is an integral part of the overall EEO program and is designed to—
(1) Ensure that the women receive equal treatment in all aspects of employment.
(2) Increase the number of women employed in all professional, administrative, technical,
clerical, and other categories, series, and grade levels.
(3) Provide opportunities to participate in training, career development, and leadership
(4) Encourage the participation of women in all NRCS-sponsored programs and activities.
(5) Provide a network of professional support for women.
(6) Provide mentoring support to women in the workforce.
(7) Educate all NRCS employees by raising the level of awareness of women’s workplace issues
and concerns.
Organizational Structure
The FWP is an integral part of the overall equal opportunity program in NRCS. It is coordinated
through the national Federal Women’s Program manager (national FWPM), who is assigned to the
Outreach and Advocacy (O&A) Division and serves as the principal staff advisor to the director of the
O&A Division on legislation, policies, employment, and program issues impacting women.
Observed Calendar days/month highlighting women:
March is Women's History Month - an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and modern society.
8th of March: International Women's Day (IWD) - is celebrated on March 8 every year and it celebrates the movement for women's rights.
26th of August: Women’s Equality Day - celebrated in the United States on August 26 to celebrate the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment (Amendment XIX) to the United States Constitution, which prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.
Federally Employed Women (FEW)-A private membership organization working as an advocacy group to improve the status of women employed by the Federal government and by the District of Columbia government. For more information or to become a member please go to: http://www.few.org/.