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RCPP 2018 LMR FY 2024 Ranking Questions - Northern Rhode Island


Consider these aspects for applicability: Did this producer apply for RCPP 2018 Statewide Natural Systems Demonstration Project, is the Planned Land Unit (PLU) in the project boundary, has it been determined that the application meets the RCPP project intent in the focus area(s), AND does the practice schedule include at least ONE CORE practice that addresses at least one PRIMARY resource category?

  1. YES – Points: N/A
  2. NO – Points: N/A

Category Question

Are the Planned Land Units (PLUs) in the State of Rhode Island?

  1. YES – Points: N/A
  2. NO – Points: N/A

Program Questions

  1. OUTCOMES: Application directly addresses one or more resource concern(s) for which outcome metrics have been included in the PPA. NOTE: To obtain these points, the Practice Schedule MUST be addressing Field sediment, nutrient and pathogen loss OR/AND Concentrated Erosion.
    1. YES – Points: 70
    2. NO – Points: 0
  2. CONTRIBUTIONS: The PPA Exhibits identify a direct relationship between proposed LMR activities and partner contributions. This application directly leverages RCPP funding with partner contributions.
    1. YES – Points: 50
    2. NO – Points: 0
  3. HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED PRODUCERS (HU): PPA Exhibits identify ranking priority for HU producers, and this application meets those requirements.
    1. YES – Points: 30
    2. NO – Points: 0
  4. PARTNER APPLICATION BUNDLES: The PPA Exhibits identify negotiated expectations for lead partner submission of bundled applications, and this application has been identified by a lead partner as part of an application bundle.
    1. YES – Points: 50
    2. NO – Applicable Points: 0

Resource Questions

  1. Does the schedule of operations include implementation of practices that address Field Sediment, Nutrient, and Pathogen Loss? 
    1. YES – Points: 25
    2. NO – Points: 0
  2. Does the schedule of operations include implementation of practices that address Aquatic Habitat?
    1. YES – Points: 10
    2. NO – Points: 0
  3. Does the schedule of operations include implementation of practices that address Concentrated Erosion? 
    1. YES – Points: 20
    2. NO – Points: 0
  4. Does the schedule of operations include implementation of practices that address Soil Quality Limitations? 
    1. YES – Points: 15
    2. NO – Points: 0
  5. Is the land permanently protected through a CONSERVATION EASEMENT, purchase of development rights, or other mechanism?
    1. YES – Points: 10
    2. NO – Points: 0
  6. Will this project allow continued implementation of a system being progressively installed?
    1. YES – Points: 20
    2. NO – Points: 0
  7. What is the distance from the Planned Land Unit (PLU) to water bodies including streams, ponds, lakes, estuaries, (i.e. all surface waters)?
    1. PLU is 100 feet or less from waterbody – Points: 50
    2. PLU is 100-500 feet from waterbody – Points: 30
    3. PLU is 500-1000 feet from a waterbody – Points: 20
    4. Otherwise – Points: 0
  8. Is the Planned Land Unit (PLU) 100 feet or less from the edge of the wetland?
    1. Yes – Points: 10
    2. Otherwise – Points: 0
  9. Is the participant implementing a plan developed for FFOS (Farm Forest and Open Space program from RIDEM) AND will the implementation of that project support the goal of this RCPP?
    1. YES – Points: 5
    2. NO – Points: 0
  10. Are the PLUs assessed for this application adjacent to PLUs associated with a separately submitted RCPP application? Points will be given in support of this application because of the potential, cumulative impact of both applications.
    1. YES – Points: 5
    2. NO – Points: 0
  11. Do the Planned Land Units (PLUs) intersect the Natural Heritage Areas?
    1. YES – Points: 5
    2. NO – Points: 0
  12. If this application is approved for funding, will this be the applicants first EQIP contract?
    1. YES – Points: 25
    2. NO – Points: 0

Additional Information


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