CSP Inflation Reduction Act Climate-Smart FY 2025 Ranking Criteria for Eastern Rhode Island Ag Land: General, Beginning Farmers (BFR), Socially Disadvantaged Farmers (SDFR).
Is this application in the EASTERN Rhode Island District and Will this application address the IRA resource concerns by including at least ONE CORE IRA conservation practice?
- YES – Points: N/A
- NO – Points: N/A
Planners must review the CPA-1200 (Application) and select at least ONE. Use the CPA-1200 to verify eligibility for SDFR and BFR. SDFR and BFR applicants CAN compete in MULTIPLE categories. Select ALL that apply:
- Applicant self-certifies as a beginning farmer or rancher (BFR) on the NRCS-CPA-1200 — Points: 0
- Applicant self-certifies as a socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher (SDFR) on the NRCS-CPA-1200 — Points: 0
- Applicant Does Not Qualify or Self Identify, General Category for ALL Farmers/ Applicants — Points: 0
Program Questions
- Does the applicant meet the NRCS definition of a veteran farmer or rancher (VFR)?
- YES – Points: 20
- NO – Points: 0
- Did the applicant participate in the CRP Transition Incentives Program (TIP), and land included in the CSP application has come out of CRP within the last two years?
- YES — Points: 5
- NO — Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture as applicable) with the fewest number of STATE PRIORITY Resource Concerns met at the time of application. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose one response. [The state priority resource categories are: Concentrated Erosion, Degraded Plant Condition, Field Sediment, Nutrient, and Pathogen Loss, Livestock Production Limitation, Pest Pressure, Soil Quality Limitations, Source Water Depletion and Terrestrial Habitat.]
- All eight (8) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 75
- Seven (7) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 65
- Six (6) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 55
- Five (5) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 45
- Four (4) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 35
- Three (3) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 25
- Two (2) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 15
- One (1) state priority resource concern is met — Points: 5
- No state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of RESOURCE CONCERNS met at the time of application - including national & state resource concerns. Consider all resource concerns when answering this question. [Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration.] Choose ONE response.
- Seven or more (7+) resource concerns are met — Points: 60
- Five or Six (5-6) resource concerns are met — Points: 40
- Three or Four (3-4) resource concerns are met — Points: 20
- One or Two (1-2) resource concerns are met — Points: 10
- No (zero) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 0
- Select the applicable Historically Underserved (HU) category identified on the NRCS-CPA-1200, Conservation Program Application. Select MULTIPLE if applicable:
- Applicant self-certified as a Limited Resource Farmer Rancher (LFR) — Points: 10
- Applicant self-certified as a Socially Disadvantaged Farmer Rancher (SDFR) — Points: 10
- Applicant self-certified as a Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) — Points: 10
- Applicant Does Not Qualify or Self Identify — Points: 0
- If this application is approved for funding, will this be the applicant's first CSP contract?
- YES — Points: 10
- NO — Points: 0
- Has the participant been in contract termination with any prior USDA NRCS Contract within the past 3 years?
- YES — Points: -200
- NO — Points: 0
Resource Questions
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of STATE PRIORITY Resource Concerns that were NOT MET at application, but due to planned CSP activities will be MET by the end of the contract [Not Met --> Met]. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose ONE response. [The state priority resource categories are: Concentrated Erosion, Degraded Plant Condition, Field Sediment, Nutrient, and Pathogen Loss, Livestock Production Limitation, Pest Pressure, Soil Quality Limitations, Source Water Depletion and Terrestrial Habitat.]
- All eight (8) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 45
- Seven (7) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 40
- Six (6) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 35
- Five (5) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 30
- Four (4) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 25
- Three (3) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 20
- Two (2) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 15
- One (1) state priority resource concern will be met – Points: 10
- No (zero) state priority resource concerns will be met – Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of STATE PRIORITY RESOURCE CONCERNS that were met at time of application, but due to planned CSP activities will be EXCEEDED by the end of the contract [Met --> Exceeds]. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose ONE response.
- All eight (8) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 55
- Seven (7) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 45
- Six (6) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 40
- Five (5) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 35
- Four (4) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 30
- Three (3) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 25
- Two (2) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 20
- One (1) state priority resource concern will be exceeded – Points: 15
- No state priority resource concerns are exceeded – Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of resource concerns (national & state) that were met at application, but due to planned CSP activities will be exceeded by the end of the contract. Consider ALL resource concerns when answering this question. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose ONE response.
- Seven or more (7+) resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 50
- Five or Six (5-6) resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 45
- Three or Four (3-4) resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 30
- One or Two (1-2) resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 20
- No (zero) resource concerns will be exceeded – Points: 0
- Does the Conservation Plan include one or more conservation activities from the Climate-Smart Ag & Forestry Mitigation Activities List for FY2025?
- 5+ CORE Climate practices and/or enhancements are planned – Points: 10
- 3 to 4 CORE Climate practices and/or enhancements are planned – Points: 8
- 1 to 2 CORE Climate practices and/or enhancements are planned – Points: 5
- Zero (0) Climate Smart practices and/or enhancements are planned — Points: 0
- What is the distance from the Planned Land Unit (PLU) to water bodies including streams, ponds, lakes, estuaries, or all surface waters?
- PLU is equal to or less than 100 feet from waterbody – Points: 20
- PLU is 100-500 feet from waterbody – Points: 15
- PLU is 500-1000 feet from a waterbody – Points: 10
- There is no waterbody near or in the PLU – Points: 0
- Is the Planned Land Unit (PLU) 100 feet or less from the edge of the wetland?
- YES, the PLU is 100 feet or less from the edge of the wetland – Points: 5
- Otherwise / No – Points: 0
- Does the Planned Land Unit (PLU) include Prime and State Importance Soils?
- YES, the PLU contains prime or state important soils – Points: 10
- Otherwise/NO – Points: 0
- Are the PLUs in a targeted source water watershed?
- Yes – Points: 3
- No – Points: 0
- Is the project in one of the source water priority watersheds?
- Yes – Points: 2
- No – Points: 0
Additional Information
Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act – part of President Biden's Investing in America agenda – represents the single largest investment in climate and clean energy solutions in American history.
Learn MoreHistorically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers
The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) includes provisions that address the unique circumstances and concerns of socially disadvantaged, beginning, limited resource, and veteran farmers and ranchers (“historically underserved producers”).
Learn MoreNRCS Climate-Smart Mitigation Activities
Producers and land managers are experiencing firsthand the impacts of climate change, which is caused by the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. With support from NRCS, farmers, ranchers and forest landowners across the nation’s working lands can contribute to climate solutions.
Learn More