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EQIP FY 2024 Ranking Criteria for Rhode Island CNMP Implementation


Is the applicant implementing an approved NRCS CNMP Conservation Activity Plan or an approved CNMP CPA102, DIA 101? - CAN BE DONE BY NRCS if NOT CONTRACTED WITH TSP

  1. YES — Points: 0
  2. NO — Points: 0

Category Questions

Is the Planned Land Unit (PLU) located in Rhode Island?

  1. Yes — Points: 0
  2. Otherwise — Points: 0

Program Questions

  1. Is the land permanently protected through a CONSERVATION EASEMENT, purchase of development rights or other mechanism?
    1. Yes — Points: 20
    2. Otherwise — Points: 0
  2. Does the applicant meet the NRCS definition of a Historically Underserved (HU) producer as identified in the CPA-1200?
    1. YES — Points: 40
    2. NO — Points: 0
  3. Does this application include the FULL implementation of an approved CNMP?
    1. YES — Points: 50
    2. NO — Points: 0
  4. Will implementation of this Conservation Plan allow for the continued implementation of a system of conservation practices that has been initiated and is being progressively installed?
    1. YES — Points: 30
    2. NO — Points: 0
  5. Is this application submitted because the operation has received a RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) 'Notice of Violation'?
    1. YES — Points: 10
    2. NO — Points: 0
  6. Did the applicant apply for funding in Fiscal Year 2023 but was previously NOT funded?
    1. YES — Points: 20
    2. NOT APPLICABLE — Points: 0
  7. If this application is approved for funding, will this be the applicant's first EQIP contract?
    1. YES — Points:  30
    2. NOT APPLICABLE — Points: 0
  8. Has the participant been in contract violation with a prior USDA NRCS Contract within the past 3 years?
    1. YES — Points: -100
    2. NO — Points: 0

Resource Questions

  1. Does the schedule of operations include implementation of practices that address at least one of these priority resource categories? [Important: MUST review the Guidance Drop-down for specific practices.]
    1. Field Sediment, Nutrient, and Pathogen Loss — Points: 30
    2. Concentrated Erosion — Points: 15
    3. Storage and Handling of Pollutants — Points: 50
    4. Wind and Water Erosion — Points: 5
    5. Not Applicable — Points: 0
  2. Does the Conservation Plan include one or more conservation practices from the Climate-Smart Ag & Forestry Mitigation Activities List (FY24 Version)? 
    1. 3+ Climate Smart practices are planned — Points: 10
    2. 1 or 2 Climate Smart practices are planned — Points: 5
    3. Zero (0) Climate Smart practices are planned — Points: 0
  3. What is the distance from the Planned Land Unit (PLU) to water bodies including streams, ponds, lakes, estuaries, or all surface waters?
    1. PLU is 100 ft or less from waterbody — Points: 20
    2. PLU is 100-500 ft from waterbody — Points: 15
    3. PLU is 500-1000 ft from a waterbody — Points: 10
    4. Otherwise — Points: 0
  4. Is the Planned Land Unit (PLU) 100 ft or less from the edge of the wetland?
    1. PLU is 100 ft or less from the edge of the wetland — Points: 10
    2. Otherwise — Points: 0
  5. Does the Planned Land Unit (PLU) include Prime and State Important Soils?
    1. Yes - PLU contains prime or state important soils — Points: 10
    2. Otherwise — Points: 0
  6. Based on the source water dashboard, is the Planned Land Unit (PLU) located in a "high" / targeted source water watershed?
    1. Yes — Points: 15
    2. Otherwise — Points: 0
  7. Is the project in one of the source water priority watersheds?
    1. Yes — Points: 5
    2. Otherwise — Points: 0

Additional Information

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