Westside Wildfire Recovery
Counties: Douglas, Jackson, Lane, Linn, and Lincoln
Primary Resource Concern: Degraded plant condition - Plant structure and composition
Project Description
The project focus is specifically for the Santiam Canyon, Holiday Farm, Archie Creek, South Obenchain, and Echo Mountain Complex fires in the counties listed above.
During September 2020, Western Oregon experienced extreme fire behavior across vast landscapes that resulted in widespread destruction. These fires have been detrimental to the watersheds, rivers, habitat, water quality and long-term productivity of these landscapes.
The overarching Post-Wildfire Recovery in Western Oregon documents the NRCS response to wildfires as they occur across the region. This strategy will specifically focus on implementation of Alternative 3: Blended Conservation Actions (Precision restoration and stabilization). Immediate post-fire efforts were made through emergency EQIP to address stabilization and future efforts will continue to focus on stabilization but also trend in the direction of restoration and long-term recovery.
Conservation Practices
- Forest Management Plan (106)
- Forest Management Design and Implementation Activity (165)
- Brush Management (314)
- Herbaceous Weed Treatment (315)
- Conservation Cover (327)
- Clearing and Snagging (326)
- Critical Area Planting (342)
- Woody Residue Treatment (384)
- Obstruction Removal (500)
- Stream Crossing (578)
- Vegetative Barrier (601)
- Access Control (472)
- Road/Trail/Landing Closure and Treatment (654)
- Tree/Shrub Site Preparation (490)
- Tree/Shrub Establishment (612)
- Forest Stand Improvement (666)
Collaborating Partners
- Oregon Department of Forestry
- Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- Watershed Councils
- Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
- NRCS Oregon
- Private landowners
Screening Questions
1. Is the application for restoration of burn sites In Oregon as a result of 2020 Labor Day fires, AND
2. Is the applicant in a high or moderate/high burn severity area identified by BAER (burn area emergency response) ETART team analysis, state soil scientist, or rapid assessment, or fire suppression operations, AND
3. Is the applicant engaging in forest management, agricultural production, or have land with primary purpose of wildlife habitat?
4. Is the property located outside fires burned in 2020?
Ranking Questions
1. What is the fire severity on the planned treatment unit? Select one option:
a. Parcel contains soils with highest rating of “High Severity”.
b. Parcel contains soils with highest rating of “Moderate Severity”.
c. Otherwise
2. How far are the PLUs from a stream or other surface water feature?
a. PLU predominately within ¼ mile of a perennial stream or river.
b. PLU predominately within ½ mile of a perennial stream or river.
c. PLU predominately within <=1 mile of a perennial stream.
d. PLU predominately >1 mile of a stream or other surface water feature.
3. Will the project treat hazard trees within 500 feet of a structure, road, or other infrastructure?
4. Does your practice schedule include practices that consider any of the following:
a. Habitat consideration
b. Biodiversity
c. Timber production