Welcome to the Ohio Public Information & Events page! Access publications and fact sheets to learn more about our programs and keep up-to-date on events and webinars.
Ohio NRCS Publications
Fact sheets, brochures, and booklets about Ohio's conservation initiatives and programs.
Ohio Local Work Group Meetings
Local Work Group Meetings are a valuable part of the NRCS planning process, providing an opportunity for local land managers to be part of a collaborative effort to improve natural resources within their county.
Participants help:
- identify where the best investments can be made to address natural resource problems,
- share the work that has already been done in the county, and
- share their vision for what the county will look like when these natural resource concerns have been addressed.
Based on feedback from those meetings, NRCS updates the county Long Range Plan and develops new Conservation Implementation Strategies to address identified resource concerns.
Contact your local county service center to express concerns or comments about conservation needs in the county, and we encourage you to attend the next Local Work Group meeting in your county
Ohio Local Work Group Meetings
Local Work Group Meetings are a valuable part of the NRCS planning process. We want your feedback!