Dickey-Sargent Irrigation Plan
Sponsor: Dickey-Sargent Irrigation District
The purpose of the proposed project is agricultural water management.
The need for the project is that seepage and evaporation losses from the existing irrigation canal currently average 402 ac-ft a year and if no project to address seepage is undertaken total seepage and evaporation loss by 2038 would average 673 ac-ft/yr, by 2048 would average 1,001 ac-ft/yr, by 2058 would average 1,512 ac-ft/yr, and by 2078 would prevent canal operations entirely. Operation and maintenance costs are high, requiring significant labor and herbicide application, due to heavy algal growth in the over-sized canal which was designed for an irrigation district 10 times the size of the current one.
Current Status
The Preliminary Investigation Findings Report was completed by ND NRCS in June 2023. The project was determined to be feasible with no local, state or federal agencies expressing concerns of infeasibility. Project planning will begin in April of 2024 with a Public Scoping Meeting anticipated in the summer of 2024.