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Tiling machine

Tile Drainage and Wetland Conservation Compliance

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is responsible for providing program participants technical assistance and determinations to assist them in complying with the provisions.

Handling an Increase in Water from Upstream

The NRCS does not have the authority over drainage law or provide any legal interpretation of drainage law in Nebraska. NRCS is not a regulatory agency and does not issue permits for the installation of tile. NRCS’ role in the tile drainage placement only involves situations where tile may be placed too close to a wetland and thus cause eligibility issues due to potential wetland conversions. NRCS does not direct where tile water outlets or where systems are installed UNLESS it converts a wetland due to placement. A producer may want to review Nebraska Drainage Law and/or consult an attorney.

Wetland Conservation Compliance

The Wetland Conservation Compliance provisions (Swampbuster) were introduced in the 1985 Farm Bill. The purpose was to remove certain incentives to produce commodities on converted wetlands.

Information Resources

NRCS can also provide customers with the above information. However, the certified wetland determination is only available to the landowner or their formally designated representative.

Corey King
Wetlands Coordinator
(402) 437-4047