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Press Release

NRCS and Gallatin Valley Land Trust Announce Funding Opportunity Focused in the Upper Yellowstone Watershed

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Field of Sainfoin blooming pink with mountains in the distance, Park County, Montana

NRCS is offering technical and financial assistance to protect and enhance critical wildlife migration corridors and agricultural lands through the Upper Yellowstone Watershed Conservation Project in partnership with the Gallatin Valley Land Trust. 

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is offering technical and financial assistance through the Upper Yellowstone Watershed Conservation Project in partnership with the Gallatin Valley Land Trust to agricultural landowners in Park County and a small portion of Gallatin County. While NRCS accepts applications for all programs year-round, producers and landowners should apply for this opportunity by the December 15, 2023, batching date to be considered for this funding cycle.

This Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Upper Yellowstone Watershed Project will protect and enhance critical wildlife migration corridors, historic agricultural lands, and water quality through outreach, technical assistance, conservation easements, and land management activities. The Upper Yellowstone River Watershed provides critical wintering range and migratory routes for elk, pronghorn antelope, and mule deer.

“This group of organizations, led by the Gallatin Valley Land Trust, are bringing resources from many sources to bear on a common purpose that will go a long way toward providing large, intact tracts of land in a critical wildlife migration corridor,” said Tom Watson, NRCS State Conservationist for Montana. “While benefitting livestock, the project also helps to preserve working agricultural lands in an area of the state experiencing rapid development and conversion to non-ag uses like housing developments.”  

Landowners in the Upper Yellowstone Watershed of Park and Gallatin counties may be eligible for the project. Contact your local USDA Service Center for more information. 

  • Park County – 406-946-3006
  • Gallatin County – 406-522-4012

Find more information about RCPP projects at under State Programs and Initiatives.

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