Kansas CSP Enhancements - Fiscal Year 2024
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is for producers who want to take their conservation efforts to the next level. Most CSP applicants have already applied conservation practices to their land. Through CSP, producers can further improve their conservation efforts with conservation activities called “enhancements.”
Enhancements allow a producer to address additional levels of conservation beyond what the minimum conservation practice standard requires. CSP applicants work one-on-one with their NRCS conservation planner to select enhancements that best fit their management goals and will address resource concerns on the enrolled land.
Through CSP, producers can choose from approximately 140 enhancements to address resource concerns on their operation. Conservation practice standards and quality criteria for resource concerns can be found in sections II and III of the Field Office Technical Guide.
For more information on producer-specific enhancements, please visit Enhancement Factsheets
- Brush management to improve wildlife habitat (E314A), E314A_KS23
- Herbaceous weed treatment to create desired plant communities consistent with the ecological site (E315A), E315A_KS23
- Conservation cover for pollinators and beneficial insects (E327A), E327A_KS23
- Establish Monarch butterfly habitat (E327B), E327B_KS23
- Conservation crop rotation on recently converted CRP grass/legume cover (E328C)
- Leave standing grain crops unharvested to benefit wildlife (E328D)
- Soil health crop rotation (E328E), E328E_KS23
- Modifications to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter (E328F)
- Crop rotation on recently converted CRP grass/legume cover for soil organic matter improvement (E328G), E328G_KS23
- Conservation crop rotation to reduce the concentration of salts (E328H), E328H_KS23
- Forage harvest to reduce water quality impacts by utilization of excess soil nutrients (E328I), E328I_KS23
- Improved crop rotation to provide benefits to pollinators (E328J), E328J_KS23
- Multiple crop types to benefit wildlife (E328K), E328K_KS23
- Leaving tall crop residue for wildlife (E328L), E328L_KS23
- Diversify crop rotation with canola or sunflower to provide benefits to pollinators (E328M), E328M_KS23
- Perennial grain crop conservation rotation (E328O)
- Low Nitrogen Requirement Annual Crop Rotation (E328P)
- No till to reduce soil erosion (E329A)
- No till to reduce tillage induced particulate matter (E329B)
- No till to increase plant-available moisture (E329C)
- No till system to increase soil health and soil organic matter content (E329D)
- No till to reduce energy (E329E)
- No-till into green cover crops to improve soil organic matter quantity and quality (E329F)
- Controlled traffic farming to reduce compaction (E334A)
- Strategically planned, patch burning for grazing distribution and wildlife habitat (E338A), KS338A_KS23
- Short-interval burns to promote a healthy herbaceous plant community (E338B), E338B_KS23
- Sequential patch burning (E338C)
- Cover crop to reduce soil erosion (E340A), E340A_KS23
- Intensive cover cropping to increase soil health and soil organic matter content (E340B), E340B_KS23
- Use of multi-species cover crop to improve soil health and increase soil organic matter (E340C), E340C_KS23
- Intensive orchard/vineyard floor cover cropping to increase soil health (E340D), E340D_KS23
- Use of soil health assessment to assist with development of cover crop mix to improve soil health (E340E), E340E_KS23
- Cover crop to minimize soil compaction (E340F), E340F_KS23
- Cover crop to reduce water quality degradation by utilizing excess soil nutrients (E340G), E340G_KS23
- Cover crops to suppress excessive weed pressures and break pest cycles (E340H), E340H_KS23
- Using cover crops for biological strip till (E340I), E340I_KS23
- Cover crop to improve moisture use efficiency and reduce salts (E340J)
- Reduced tillage to reduce soil erosion (E345A)
- Reduced tillage to reduce tillage induced particulate matter (E345B)
- Reduced tillage to increase plant-available moisture (E345C)
- Reduced tillage to increase soil health and soil organic matter content (E345D)
- Reduced tillage to reduce energy use (E345E)
- Switch to Renewable Power Source (E372A)
- Renewable Energy Source for Large Internal Combustion Engines (E372B)
- Dust suppressant re-application for stabilization (E373A)
- Modify field operations to reduce particulate matter (E376A)
- Silvopasture to improve wildlife habitat (E381A), E381A_KS23
- Incorporating “wildlife friendly” fencing for connectivity of wildlife food resources (E382A), E382A_KS23
- Installing electrical fence offsets and wire for cross-fencing to improve grazing management (E382B), E382B_KS23
- Grazing-maintained fuel break to reduce the risk of fire (E383A)
- Biochar production from woody residue (E384A)
- Enhanced field borders to reduce soil erosion along the edge(s) of a field (E386A)
- Enhanced field borders to increase carbon storage along the edge(s) of a field (E386B)
- Enhanced field borders to decrease particulate emissions along the edge(s) of a field (E386C)
- Enhanced field borders to increase food for pollinators along the edge(s) of a field (E386D), E386D_KS23
- Enhanced field borders to increase wildlife food and habitat along the edge(s) of a field (E386E), E386E_KS23
- Increase riparian herbaceous cover width for sediment and nutrient reduction (E390A)
- Increase riparian herbaceous cover width to enhance wildlife habitat (E390B), E390B_KS23
- Increase riparian forest buffer width for sediment and nutrient reduction (E391A), E391A_KS23
- Increase stream shading for stream temperature reduction (E391B)
- Increase riparian forest buffer width to enhance wildlife habitat (E391C), E391C_KS23
- Extend existing filter strip to reduce water quality impacts (E393A)
- Stream habitat improvement through placement of woody biomass (E395A)
- Fishpond management for native aquatic and terrestrial species (E399A)
- Enhance a grassed waterway (E412A)
- Establish pollinator habitat (E420A), E420A_KS23
- Establish monarch butterfly habitat (E420B), E420B_KS23
- Advanced Tailwater Recovery (E447A)
- Complete pumping plant evaluation for water savings (E449A)
- Alternated Wetting and Drying (AWD) of rice fields (E449B)
- Advanced Automated IWM – Year 2-5, soil moisture monitoring (E449C)
- Advanced Automated IWM – Year 1, Equipment and soil moisture or water level monitoring (E449D)
- Convert from Cascade to Furrow Irrigated Rice Production – reduce irrigation water consumption (E449E)
- Intermediate IWM— Year 1, Equipment with Soil moisture or Water Level monitoring (E449F)
- Intermediate IWM— Years 2-5, Soil Moisture or Water Level monitoring (E449G)
- Intermediate IWM— Years 2 -5, using soil moisture or water level monitoring (E449H)
- IWM - Year 1, Retrofit Equipment with Speed Control on Sprinkler Irrigation System (E449I)
- Intermediate IWM – 20% Reduced Water usage (E449J)
- Manage livestock access to waterbodies to reduce nutrients or pathogens to surface water (E472A)
- Mulching to improve soil health (E484A)
- Reduce particulate matter emissions by using orchard or vineyard generated woody material as mulch (E484B)
- Mulching with natural materials in specialty crops for weed control (E484C)
- Lowbush Blueberry Field Mulching for Moisture Management (E484D)
- Harvest of crops (hay or small grains) using measures that allow desired species to flush or escape (E511A), E511A_KS23
- Forage harvest management that helps maintain wildlife habitat cover, shelter or continuity (E511B), E511B_KS23
- Forage testing for improved harvesting methods and hay quality (E511C), E511C_KS23
- Forage harvest management to improve terrestrial habitat for wildlife and invertebrates during critical over-winter periods (E511D), E511D_KS23
- Cropland conversion to grass-based agriculture to reduce soil erosion (E512A), E512A_KS23
- Forage and biomass planting to reduce soil erosion or increase organic matter to build soil health (E512B), E512B_KS23
- Cropland conversion to grass for soil organic matter improvement (E512C), E512C_KS23
- Forage plantings that help increase organic matter in depleted soils (E512D), E512D_KS23
- Forage and biomass planting that produces feedstock for biofuels or energy production (E512E), E512E_KS23
- Establish pollinator and/or beneficial insect and/or Monarch habitat (E512I), E512I_KS23
- Establish wildlife corridors to provide habitat continuity or access to water (E512J), E512J_KS23
- Diversifying forage base with interseeding forbs and legumes to increase pasture quality (E512L), E512L_KS23
- Forage plantings that improve wildlife habitat cover and shelter or structure and composition (E512M), E512M_KS23
- Maintaining quantity and quality of forage for animal health and productivity (E528A), E528A_KS23
- Grazing management that improves Monarch butterfly habitat (E528B), E528B_KS23
- Incorporating wildlife refuge areas in contingency plans for wildlife (E528C), E528C_KS23
- Grazing management for improving quantity and quality of food or cover and shelter for wildlife (E528D), E528D_KS23
- Improved grazing management for enhanced plant structure and composition for wildlife (E528E), E528E_KS23
- Stockpiling cool season forage to improve structure and composition or plant productivity and health (E528F), E528F_KS23
- Improved grazing management on pasture for plant productivity and health with monitoring activities (E528G), E528G_KS23
- Prescribed grazing to improve/maintain riparian and watershed function-elevated water temperature (E528H), E528H_KS23
- Grazing management that protects sensitive areas-surface or ground water from nutrients (E528I), E528I_KS23
- Prescribed grazing on pastureland that improves riparian and watershed function (E528J), E528J_KS23
- Prescribed grazing that improves or maintains riparian and watershed function-erosion (E528L), E528L_KS23
- Grazing management that protects sensitive areas from gully erosion (E528M), E528M_KS23
- Improved grazing management through monitoring activities (E528N), E528N_KS23
- Clipping mature forages to set back vegetative growth for improved forage quality (E528O), E528O_KS23
- Implementing Bale or Swath Grazing to increase organic matter and reduce nutrients in surface water (E528P), E528P_KS23
- Use of body condition scoring for livestock on a monthly basis to keep track of herd health (E528Q), E528Q_KS23
- Management Intensive Rotational Grazing (E528R), E528R_KS23
- Soil Health Improvements on Pasture (E528S), E528S_KS23
- Grazing to Reduce Wildfire Risks on Forests (E528T)
- Contingency Planning for Resiliency (E528U), E528U_KS24
- Advanced Pumping Plant Automation (E533A)
- Complete pumping plant evaluation for energy savings (E533B)
- Install variable frequency drive(s) on pump(s) (E533C)
- Switch fuel source for pumps (E533D)
- Range planting for increasing/maintaining organic matter (E550A), E550A_KS23
- Range planting for improving forage, browse, or cover for wildlife (E550B), E550B_KS23
- Enhanced Rain Gardens for Wildlife (E570A)
- Stream crossing elimination (E578A)
- Stream corridor bank stability improvement (E580A)
- Stream corridor bank vegetation improvement (E580B)
- Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses (E590A), E590A_KS24
- Reduce risks of nutrient loss to surface water by utilizing precision agriculture technologies (E590B)
- Improving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses on pasture (E590C), E590C_KS23
- Reduce risks of nutrient losses to surface and groundwater by increasing setback awareness via precision technology (E590D)
- Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water by utilizing precision pesticide application techniques (E595A)
- Reduce risk of pesticides in surface water and air by utilizing IPM PAMS techniques (E595B), E595B_KS23
- Increase the size requirement of refuges planted to slow pest resistance to Bt crops (E595D)
- Eliminate the use of chemical treatments to control pests and to increase the presence of dung beetles (E595E)
- Improving soil organism habitat on agricultural land (E595F)
- Reduce resistance risk by utilizing PAMS techniques (E595G)
- Planting for carbon sequestration and storage (E612B), E612B_KS23
- Establishing tree/shrub species to restore native plant communities (E612C), E612C_KS23
- Adding food-producing trees/shrubs to an agroforestry system (E612D), E612D_KS23
- Cultural plantings (E612E), E612E_KS23
- Sugarbush management (E612F)
- Tree/shrub planting for wildlife habitat (E612G), E612G_KS23
- Restoration of sensitive coastal vegetative communities (E643A)
- Restoration and management of rare or declining habitat (E643B)
- Restore glade habitat to benefit threatened and endangered species and state species of concern (E643C)
- Low-tech process-based restoration to enhance floodplain connectivity (E643D)
- Managing Flood-Irrigated Landscapes for Wildlife (E644A)
- Reduction of attractants to human-subsidized predators in sensitive wildlife species habitat (E645A)
- Manage existing shrub thickets to provide adequate shelter for wildlife (E645B)
- Edge feathering for wildlife cover (E645C)
- Enhanced Wildlife Habitat Management for Upland Landscapes (E645D)
- Close structures to capture and retain rainfall for waterfowl and wading bird winter habitat (E646A)
- Extend retention of captured rainfall for migratory waterfowl and wading bird late winter habitat (E646B)
- Manipulate vegetation and maintain closed structures for shorebirds mid-summer habitat (E646C)
- Manipulate vegetation and maintain closed structures for shorebird late summer habitat (E646D)
- Manipulate vegetation on fields with captured rainfall for waterfowl & wading bird winter habitat (E647A)
- Provide early successional shorebird habitat between first crop and ratoon crop (E647B)
- Maintain most soil vegetation on cropland edges to enhance waterfowl and shorebird habitat (E647C)
- Establish and maintain early successional habitat in ditches and bank borders (E647D), E647D_KS23
- Maintaining and improving forest soil quality. (E666A), E666A_KS23
- Forest management to enhance understory vegetation (E666D), E666D_KS23
- Reduce height of the forest understory to limit wildfire risk (E666E), E666E_KS23
- Reduce forest stand density to create open stand structure (E666F), E666F_KS23
- Reduce forest density and manage understory along roads to limit wildfire risk and improve habitat (E666G), E666G_KS23
- Increase on-site carbon storage (E666H), E666H_KS23
- Crop tree management for mast production (E666I), E666I_KS23
- Facilitating oak forest regeneration (E666J), E666J_KS23
- Creating structural diversity with patch openings (E666K), E666K_KS23
- Forest Stand Improvement to rehabilitate degraded hardwood stands (E666L), E666L_KS23
- Snags, den trees, and coarse woody debris for wildlife habitat (E666O), E666O_KS23
- Summer roosting habitat for native forest-dwelling bat species (E666P), E666P_KS23
- Forest songbird habitat maintenance (E666R)
- Facilitating longleaf pine regeneration and establishment (E666S)
CSP applicants who want to increase their conservation stewardship even further may consider “bundles” of enhancement activities. Some enhancements work together to provide increased conservation benefits when they are implemented as a group. Producers may consider adopting these enhancement groups or “bundles” on their operation.
Each bundle has three or more required enhancements, and for some bundles, the applicant has the option to pick additional enhancements from a select list that addresses specific resource concerns.
Bundles have enhancements grouped according to land use – crop, pasture, range and forest. They are also grouped as agency initiatives, such as Long Leaf Pine, Mississippi River Basin, Buffers and Working Lands for Wildlife. Bundles receive a higher level of financial assistance to encourage the holistic approach to generate additional conservation benefits.
Producers interested in implementing enhancements or bundles on their property can visit with their local NRCS conservation planner to learn more about them.
- Buffer Bundle #1 (B000BFF1)
- Crop Bundle #10 – YEAR 1 Irrigated Cropland (MRBI/Ogallala) (B000CPL10)
- Crop Bundle #11 - Year 2+ Irrigated Cropland (MRBI/Ogallala) (B000CPL11)
- Crop Bundle #12 – Non-Irrigated Precision Ag (MRBI) (B000CPL12)
- Crop Bundle #13 – Non-Irrigated Cropland (MRBI) (B000CPL13)
- Crop Bundle #14 – YEAR 1+ Irrigated Precision Ag Cropland (MRBI) (B000CPL14)
- Crop Bundle #15 – YEAR 2+ Irrigated Precision Ag Cropland (MRBI) (B000CPL15)
- Crop Bundle #16 – Non-Irrigated Cropland with Water Bodies (MRBI) (B000CPL16)
- Crop Bundle #17 – Non-Irrigated Cropland with Water Bodies Riparian Forest Buffer (MRBI) (B000CPL17)
- Crop Bundle #18 – Precision Ag (B000CPL18)
- Crop Bundle #19 – Soil Health Precision Ag (B000CPL19)
- Crop Bundle #20 – Soil Health Assessment (B000CPL20)
- Crop Bundle #21 – Crop Bundle (Organic) (B000CPL21)
- Crop Bundle #22 – Erosion Bundle (Organic) (B000CPL22)
- Crop Bundle #23 – Pheasant and quail habitat (B000CPL23)
- Crop Bundle #24 – Cropland Soil Health Management System (B000CPL24)
- Crop Bundle # 25- Climate Smart Advanced Soil Health (B000CPL25)
- Forest Bundle #1 (B000FST1)
- Forest Bundle #2 – Post-fire Management (B000FST2)
- Forest Bundle #3 (B000FST3)
- Forest Bundle #4 (B000FST4)
- Forest Bundle #5 (B000FST5)
- Grazing Bundle #1 – Range and Pasture (B000GRZ1)
- Grazing Bundle #2 – Range and Pasture (B000GRZ2)
- Grazing Bundle #3 – Range and Pasture (B000GRZ3)
- Grazing Bundle #4 – Range and Pasture (B000GRZ4)
- Grazing Bundle #5 – Range and Pasture (B000GRZ5)
- Longleaf Pine Bundle #1 (B000LLP1)
- Longleaf Pine Bundle #2 (B000LLP2)
- Longleaf Pine Bundle #4 (B000LLP4)
- Pasture Bundle #5 – Pasture (B000PST5)
- Pasture Bundle 6 – Pasture (B000PSTX)
- Range Bundle #4 – Range (B000RNG4)
Supplemental Activity Payments
Supplemental activity payments are also available to CSP participants who wish to further adopt resource conserving crop rotations, improve an existing resource conserving crop rotation and/or implement advanced grazing management enhancements on their land.
Advanced grazing management uses a combination of grazing conservation activities that can include management-intensive rotational grazing for improved soil health and carbon sequestration, drought resilience, wildlife and pollinator habitat and wildfire mitigation. AGA activities can also include the control of invasive plants and water quality improvement.
Resource conserving crop rotation includes at least one state-determined resource conserving crop that reduces erosion, improves soil fertility and tilth, interrupts pest cycles, builds soil organic matter, maintains soil moisture while reducing the need for irrigation in applicable areas, and can provide pollinator habitat and protection.
Improved resource conserving crop rotation further boosts an existing resource conserving crop rotation by either including an additional growing year for a state-determined perennial resource conserving crop, substituting a state-determined perennial resource conserving crop for a row crop, or changing a perennial legume to a state-determined perennial grass or grass/legume resource conserving crop.
- Advanced Grazing Management (AGM May 2022)
- Resource Conserving Crop Rotation (E328A April 2021), E328A_KS23
- Improved Resource Conserving Crop Rotation (E328B July 2019), E328B_KS23
Comprehensive Conservation Plan
The 2018 Farm Bill includes a new conservation activity for producers to develop a comprehensive conservation plan (CCP) as part of their CSP contract. A CCP is a conservation plan that meets or exceeds the stewardship threshold for each priority resource concern identified by NRCS across all land uses included in the operation. NRCS administers CCPs like the conservation activity plans (CAPs) under the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and requires producers to use a technical service provider (TSP) to develop the plan. For more details on CCP requirements, please review the CSP Activity Sheet.