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Risk Management Agency 2024 Supervisors and Managers Conference in Kansas City, MO, April 23-25. 

Margarito Hinojosa, Compliance, Discussing Issues impacting RMA

Photo by USDA/Sean Patrick

Georgia Local Working Groups

Local working group meetings are convened by local conservation districts with NRCS support to secure stakeholder feedback that helps to guide conservation priorities for the service center.

What is a Local Working Group?

The Local Working Group (LWG) is a diverse group of people with agricultural and natural resource interests. Members may be agricultural producers representing the variety of crops and livestock raised within the local area; owners of nonindustrial private forest land; representatives of agricultural and environmental organizations; and representatives of governmental agencies carrying out agricultural and natural resource conservation programs and activities for the area.

To ensure that LWG recommendations take into account the broad scope of people served by USDA, members will include historically underserved groups, such as women and minorities; persons with disabilities; beginning and limited resource farmers, and socially and economically disadvantaged groups. Individuals or groups wanting to become a LWG member may submit a request to their NRCS District Conservationist explaining their interest and credentials for becoming a member.


Local Working Groups will provide recommendations on local natural resource priorities and criteria for conservation activities and programs. Recommendations may include, but are not limited to:

  • Priority natural resource concerns in the local community.
  • Techniques for outreach to historically underserved citizens.
  • Criteria to be used in ranking program applications.

Local Working Group meetings are open to the public and conducted as an open discussion among members. Discussion will focus on identifying local natural resource concerns that can be treated using NRCS programs and activities. Individuals attending LWG meetings will be given the opportunity to address the Group. All recommendations will be considered.

Opportunity to address non-agenda items will be provided if time allows at the end of the meeting. Presenters are encouraged to provide written records of their comments to the Chairperson at the time of the presentation but are not required to do so. Written comments may be accepted if provided to the Chairperson/District Conservationist no later than the posted date provided on the LWG Meeting event page.

Where and When

Public notice and the meeting agenda will be provided at least 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting. 

The minimum 14 calendar-day notice requirement may be waived in the case of exceptional conditions, as determined by the Chairperson or NRCS District Conservationist.

To attend one of Georgia's LWG Meetings, see the meeting schedule below. If you have questions about an upcoming meeting, or if this year's has already occurred, email the NRCS point of contact listed for the respective meeting for the LWG meeting results, or contact the Georgia NRCS State Office at 706-546-2272.