NRCS Delaware Announces Upcoming State Technical Committee Meeting
DOVER, Del., Aug. 8, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) invites the public to attend the Delaware State Technical Committee meeting on Sept. 7, 2023. The meeting will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams video conferencing.
DOVER, Del., Aug. 8, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) invites the public to attend the Delaware State Technical Committee meeting on Sept. 7, 2023. The meeting will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams video conferencing.
State Technical Committee meetings are held quarterly to discuss natural resources conservation in Delaware and provide recommendations to NRCS on the implementation of Farm Bill programs. These recommendations help prioritize conservation and resource concerns and allow NRCS to appropriately prioritize funding for the upcoming fiscal year.
"We invite the public to join us for the Delaware State Technical Committee meeting,” said Kasey L. Taylor, Delaware NRCS State Conservationist. “We'll be discussing both our current conservation practices and evaluating how we can move forward in helping producers in Delaware with their conservation goals."
The meetings also include a review of new or interim practice standards and a data analysis for effects of conservation practices. There will be time for general questions and feedback from the public.
The meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023. To participate on your computer or mobile app click here, Meeting ID: 226 156 991 763, Passcode: gpqEMG, or call 202-650-0123, Phone Conference ID: 353 815 262#. If you have any additional agenda items, please contact Ivy McBride by close of business on Monday, Aug. 28, 2023, at, or (302) 678-4160.
If you require special accommodations (interpreter, translator, etc.), please contact Ivy McBride at (302) 678-4160 no later than Monday, Aug. 28, 2023.
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