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Feb. 24, 2017 - San Joaquin County Easement Boundary Modification, Empire Island Farming Company, LLC

Feb. 24, 2017 - San Joaquin County Easement Boundary Modification, Empire Island Farming Company, LLC

Feb. 24, 2017 - San Joaquin County Easement Boundary Modification, Empire Island Farming Company, LLC

  • Notice of Availability of a Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF; 19 KB)
    Explanation: Upon review of the Environmental Assessment provided by Basecamp Environmental Incorporated NRCS gives notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact, and that an environmental impact statement is not being prepared for the easement boundary modification. Comment period open for 30 days.
  • Finding of No Significant Impact for easement boundary modification, Empire Island (PDF; 44 KB)
    Explanation: Based on the NRCS review of the Environmental Assessment (EA), review of the NEPA criteria for significant effects, and based on the analysis in the EA, NRCS has determined that the action to be selected will not have a significant effect upon the quality of the human environment.
  • Environmental Assessment for Empire Island Farming Company, LLC, ACEP-WRE Easement Modification (PDF; 822 KB)
    Explanation: Analysis and basis for determining the Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed easement modification, and determining that the federal action does not require development of an EIS.