Each NRCS State Office has personnel responsible for ensuring effective community outreach for conservation programs, benefits, and opportunities to assist new and beginning customers on how to achieve success on their land.
NRCS defines outreach as conducting business to ensure that NRCS programs and services are made accessible to all customers, with emphasis on the historically underserved. Outreach also involves crafting messages and informational materials with language and services that speak to particular groups and populations and aid them in understanding the mission, processes, goals, obligations and eligibility issues inherent in the work of the agency and the Farm Bill.
To learn more about NRCS outreach in your state, contact your State Office.
State Outreach Coordinators Directory
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Braden Pitcher
AK - Outreach Coordinator
Tamarra Roseburgh
AL - Outreach Coordinator
Alvin F. Peer
AR - Outreach Coordinator
Paul Cattelino
AZ - Outreach Coordinator
Victor Hernandez
CA - Outreach Coordinator
Christine Chavez
CA - Outreach Coordinator
Cynthia (Cindy) Einspahr
CO - Outreach Coordinator
Vivian Felten
CT - Outreach Coordinator
James Dick
DE - Outreach Coordinator
Rochelle Urquhart
FL - Outreach Coordinator
Charlie Grace
GA - Outreach Coordinator
Vontice Jackson
GA - Outreach Coordinator
Kaeisha Miller
GA - Outreach Coordinator
Laila Jayyousi
HI - Outreach Coordinator
Jolene Lau
HI - Outreach Coordinator
Andrew Thomason
IA - Outreach Coordinator
Madeleine Cantu
ID - Outreach Coordinator
Jamie Jones
IL - Outreach Coordinator
Shane Johnson
IN - Outreach Coordinator
Salefu Tuvalu Solia
KS - Outreach Coordinator
Michael Zachary
KY - Outreach Coordinator
Kristen Lemoine
LA - Outreach Coordinator
Eugene Livingston
LA - Outreach Coordinator
Jack Loomis
MA - Outreach Coordinator
Rachel Giles
MD - Outreach Coordinator
Chuck Penney
ME - Outreach Coordinator
Kamira McNeal
MI - Outreach Coordinator
Molly Mehl
MN - Assistant State Conservationist for Partnerships and Outreach
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Dawson
MN - Outreach Coordinator
Melody John
MO - Outreach Coordinator
Charles Lea
MS - Outreach Coordinator
Katie Pacholski
MT - Outreach Coordinator
Linda Gerron
NC - Outreach Coordinator
Anna Bahnson
ND - Outreach Coordinator
Jami Thoene
NE - Outreach Coordinator
Tabitha Edwards
NH - Outreach Coordinator
Tairi Colon Melchiorre
NJ - Outreach Coordinator
Kristin Graham Chavez
NM - Assistant State Conservationist for Field Development
Kenneth Sowers
NV - Outreach Coordinator
Chris Deets
NY - Outreach Coordinator
Carlton Howard
OH - Outreach Coordinator
Cleaon Bradford
OK - Outreach Coordinator
Will Fett
OR - Outreach Coordinator and Tribal Liaison
Abigail Appleman
PA - Outreach Coordinator
Nemisis Ortiz-Declet
PR - Outreach Coordinator / Public Affairs Specialist
Kathryn Zuromski
RI - Outreach Coordinator
Gail Westcot
SC - Outreach Coordinator
Darrel DuVall
SD - Outreach Coordinator
Harold Pettigrew, III
TN - Outreach Coordinator
Floyd Nauls
TX - Outreach Coordinator
Nicholas Reithel
UT - Outreach Coordinator
Telicia Berry
VA - Outreach Coordinator
Cheyanne Rico
VT - Outreach Coordinator
Kris Mills
WA - Outreach Coordinator
Tristyn Forget
WI - Outreach Coordinator (Acting)
Julie Stutler
WV - Outreach Coordinator
Sacha Charny
WY - Outreach Coordinator